Going To Coachella

Going To Coachella theme music by Alien TribeLia had the windows to her recording studio in Indio, California open one night during the 2014 Coachella Valley Music Festival going on only a few miles away. As the music drifted into her studio, she was inspired to write a fun and sexy song about going to the festival. You can buy it at Amazon. Here are a few of the lyrics she wrote:


We’re going to Coachella

We’re all here, we are one

Like, come on, gets your beads on

Love and sex, sex and love

Like, come on, let’s go Indio

Like its really, really hot at Coachella

Hot, hot as hell…O

Get your beads on, like right now

Love and light can be found, Love and light is always here

Peace and love
